Sunday, December 30, 2012


Me and Michael
I thought I would back up a few years and tell you a little bit about us.  Michael and I met June 25, 2004 on a blind date through a mutual friend which we both only knew for a short time.  I know CRAZY, right?!  We dated for 6 months.  We were engaged for 6 months.  And we got married on the date that we met one year later, June 25, 2005.  Some of you may say WOW that was quick; well I know a couple that was married faster than us, but who’s counting.  All the same I think you just know!  And we knew!  We had all the famous talks about likes and dislikes, favorite things, family, values, church, salvation experiences, religion, what we believe, what we don’t believe, number of kids we wanted, favorite foods, friends, ideas of fun, marriage, and many more.  It boils down to one thing, WE WERE IN LOVE!!  And we fit together very well! 
We had BIG plans!  I was currently in nursing school and he was working for his dad as a carpenter.  We knew that it was going to be hard, but we stuck it out.  Finally after several semesters of nothing but studying, I graduated May 2007 with my Associate’s Degree in Nursing.  Michael decided that he wanted to go back to school to be a Paramedic and I enrolled at UNA for my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing June 2007.  He graduated with an Associate’s Degree and I graduated with my Bachelor’s December 2009.  But the education doesn’t stop there…  I then started filling out applications for my Master’s Degree in the spring and was accepted to the nurse practitioner program at Union University August 2010.  What a blessing!!  My husband was a trooper and worked two jobs and was nice enough to let me stay home and be a full time student once again.  After a long road of education, I completed my degree December 2011!  YAY!!  We were both very happy about this accomplishment for several reasons.  If you were reading any of the above you will know why we were sooo happy when this journey was OVER!
(Michael's graduation)
(my graduation)
But what most of you didn’t know was our struggle with not just school, but also infertility.  We didn’t go around telling everybody about our issues, mainly because, well… how do you start that conversation. During my UNA schooling in 2007/2008 we decided that we would try the “natural” way to have children.  We just figured after several stories that we had heard in the past and no prior scares it would take a while to have a child, so why not start early.  We were not in a big rush.  Our motto, if it happens, it happens and if not, ok.  We waited and waited and waited and waited…NOTHING. 
So we begin to count days, check temp, and everything else you could possibly imagine to do it the “natural” way.  I remember the days I was slightly late and I would think, Oh My…this is the lucky month!  And then, the disappointment would come.  So then I would say well maybe next month.  Finally, when I went for my yearly check up in the fall of 2009 I spoke to the doctor about trying with no success and he wanted to check and see what he could find and every year the same thing…everything looks normal.  So we thought we were stressing too much and decided to relax because I still had school ahead of me.  So we opted out of going to the doctor to pursue further testing due to time, money, and school. 
Due to the length of this story I will divide it into 2 posts.
Too be continued… 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Our Journey!

We would like to introduce you to our journey of adoption.  Some of you may or may not know that Michael and I struggled with infertility for several years, but have recently accepted the call to adopt.  And yes, we believe adoption is a call from God.

When we were going through our infertility struggles we prayed for healing.  We wanted the imperfection to be fixed to perfection.  Wouldn't we all like to be perfect!  Well...we are not and will not be until we all get to heaven and what a day that will be!  But until then, we are to live for Christ and that is just what we plan to do.

During this time we also prayed for peace, comfort, and finally God's will!  We didn't know what else to pray.  We had expressed all words.  We wanted what God wanted for our lives.  We want His will.  He has the perfect plan for us.  His plan is better than any plans that I could ever imagine for our little family.  We chose to trust in the Lord with all our heart.  Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I am speaking for myself on this one, but I noticed as I prayed for His will my heart's desire started to change.  It was not instant, but over time the desire to become pregnant was no longer as important as it once was.  Psalm 37:4, Delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.  He was changing our hearts to fit His perfect plan.

Michael and I did not feel the call to adopt at the same time or the same way, but God led us to adoption together through His time.  We are adopting because God called us to show the love of Christ.  Through Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, we have been adopted into the family of God.  I know that because I am human, I cannot show love like Christ has shown me, but as a Christian, I must strive to love others to the very best of my ability.  We believe that through adoption, not only can we share the love of Christ with a beautiful child, but others will be able to see a picture of that love in this adoption.

We are asking you to PRAY!  We would like for you to pray for the birthmother as God guides her through a very difficult process, pray for the health of the child that God has in store for our little family, and pray for our patience as we wait on God's perfect timing.  The most important thing that we are asking of you is to pray.  But, as some of you know, the financial burden that adoption can have is very real.  Insurance does not cover anything.  We are planning several fundraisers that will be announced at a later time.  Any support that you are willing to give will be greatly appreciated.  If you cannot give financially we understand, but you can pray for us!  This is just an introduction to our journey.  We have so much more to share with you!  Thank you for being a part of this journey with us!